© 2025 Valley Motorcycle Training INC. All rights reserved.
If you cannot find an answer to your question please contact us at [email protected] or you may call 559-299-6347
Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm.
1. Is this really a class for beginners?
Yes, you start in the classroom with an overview of the controls and dynamics used to ride a two wheeled vehicle. You are required to practice using the clutch, throttle and brakes of your assigned motorcycle prior to starting the engine. Then you will start the engine, learn to use the clutch to move the motorcycle and then eventually ride back and forth in a straight line across the parking lot. Exercises progress into turning, shifting and braking with a final evaluation to test these skills.
2. Why do students fail this class?
Some just don’t have the necessary balance and coordination required to ride a motorcycle. Others are too nervous, afraid or are not able to follow verbal instructions. Some are just unsafe because they are not able to control the direction and speed of the motorcycle. Students will sometimes become too fatigued to continue (the riding portion of the class is physically demanding). Others don’t pass the final riding test and need to return to either retest or repeat a portion of the class.
3. If I fail or drop out can I come back at a later date? Will I have to pay again?
If you fail to pass the written or skills tests you may repeat the test one time at no charge. If you are dropped from the class early, you may return to a later class for remedial training or testing. There is a fee for returning students. If you voluntarily drop out or fail to attend any session, you will be required to re-register and pay an additional fee for a new class. You must notify Valley Motorcycle Training within 60 days of your original start date to repeat the class.
9. Is this class required for a motorcycle license?
If you are under 21 the class is mandatory to get a m/c license or permit. Over 21 can obtain their license without the class. Please note the DL 389 is only valid for 12 months and you must go to the DMV as soon as possible after receiving the form.
Students under 21: Go to the DMV within the first 6 months of receiving the DL 389 to obtain their motorcycle permit. Make a copy of the DL389 and give that to the DMV initially. You are required to hold the motorcycle permit for a minimum of 6 months before going back to DMV to finalize the endorsement. That’s when you will turn in the original DL 389 to the DMV. The DL 389 must be valid during the permit process. In other words, riders must have an Instruction Permit for at least 6 months when they are under 21 years of age. The DMV will not give you a permit if there are not 6 months left on the DL 389.
10. What happens if I show up to ride without the proper equipment?
You will be sent home and required to pay again for the class. This is also true if you arrive late for the riding session.
11. Do I need a motorcycle endorsement (M-1 or M-2) to ride a small 49cc scooter?
Yes, an M-1 endorsement is for all motorcycles and scooters. M-2 endorsement is for a moped or motorized bicycle.
12. Can I come to a full class as a standby student in case someone doesn't show
up for their assigned class?
Yes, you just need to notify the office so they can add you to the class roster.
13. After the class will I be ready to ride my own motorcycle on the street?
Maybe, maybe not. It will depend on your skill and confidence levels. If you are a new, novice rider you probably should spend some time in a non-threatening environment (parking lot, quiet neighborhood, etc) practicing the skills learned in the class. As you become more skillful and confident you can begin to experience additional traffic and more challenging road conditions. Remember it takes time and a lot of practice to become a competent, safe rider.
4. Who will teach the class?
All Instructors have completed a 60 hour Instructor Preparation Course and are certified by the California Motorcyclist Safety Program to teach in California. They are all experienced motorcyclists with some having ridden for over 40 years. There is normally one Instructor for each six students with a maximum of twelve students on the riding range at one time.
5. I don’t plan to ride, I just want to be a better passenger or I just want to be able to ride the motorcycle home in case the rider becomes incapacitated. Is this class for me?
No, this class is only for someone who wants to operate the motorcycle. The skills learned in the class will diminish quickly if not used. Thinking you will be able to get on a motorcycle after an accident or medical emergency could be dangerous. Not only is your skill level not up to par but you will have the emotional aspects of the emergency to deal with.
6. Can I use my own motorcycle or scooter in the class?
Yes but it must meet 2 of 3 requirements, 525cc or less, unladen weight of 425lbs or less, 32" or less seat height. Current proof of insurance and be in good mechanical condition.
7. How can I register for a class?
The easiest way is through our website with a credit card at www.ValleyMotorcycleTraining.com You may also call our office at (559) 299-6347 during the hours of 9:00AM to 12:00PM and 1:00PM to 4:00PM.
8. When will I receive the DMV certificate (DL389) for Licensing?
You will receive your DL 389 certificate by mail approximately one week after the class is over. This certificate is required for licensing at DMV. DL 389's expire one year after graduation.

P.O. Box 27855 - Fresno, CA 93729-7855 - (559) 299-6347
Motorcycle Training for the Central Valley